[ Hành Động | 1 link ] Saints Row The Third Acc VIP Megashare.vn

OS: Windows® XP
CPU: 2GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2) or higher
GFX: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series or better / ATI Radeon™ HD3800 series or better
GFX RAM: 320MB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 3.0 support
DX: 9.0c
AUDIO: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound

1. Install game
2. Extract contents of crack.rar to game folder and overwrite existing files
3. Extract contents of smartsteam.rar to steam folder and overwrite existing files
4. Run smartsteam and login
5. Join Saints Row the Third room on Tunngle
6. Start game from the .exe
7. Go to co-op campaign, then options and change privacy to: open to all
8. Start a LAN game or join one
Change your name with the skidrow.ini file or in smartsteam